Uber is no longer satisfied with just driving my drunk ass around screaming “TURN ON THE RADIO, BRO!” to its drivers before going on unprompted diatribes about why my ex-girlfriend left me.
Because the $40 billion ride sharing service is expanding its reach into the food delivery industry.
According to Huffington Post, UberFresh launched in Los Angeles in December and UberEats launched in Barcelona in February. The two cities were selected as test markets to determine if the services should roll out to other cities.
Both services are available seven days a week thanks to the preexisting drivers and vow to bring you your lunch or dinner within 10 minutes #overpromise.
The services are taking a slightly different angle than Seamless and Grubhub to establish its own market share. Uber will offer a curated selection of meals from a select group of restaurants rather than the onslaught of options available on it’s competitors apps.
Uber is on a hot streak. First, they unveiled breathalyzer kiosks on the streets of Canada that send you a free Uber if you’re too drunk to drive, now they want to bring my lazy ass food within 10 minutes of me ordering it. I don’t know whether to thank them or demand they stop enabling me.
Uber has not unveiled when it will roll out either service to other cities.
[H/T Huffington Post]