Family Goes To Walmart In Full Body Armor, Tells Cops They’re Just Showing Off Their New ‘Doomsday Gear’

If I’m running to Walmart, I usually just throw on a pair of shorts and flip flops. This entire family ran to the big box store in full body armor just to show off their new gear and maybe pick up a couple things.

A report of a car full of men in body armor with semi-automatic weapons brought Lexington police to the Walmart on Richmond Road on Saturday night. Officers found two men, one in body armor, a 20-year-old woman and a six-month old baby.

Was the baby in full gear?!?!

Lt. Jackie Newman said that when Lexington police officers got the three people out of the car about 11:15 p.m., they said they were preparing for doomsday and needed supplies. A 26-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman were in the car with their 6-month-old baby and a 19-year-old man, police spokeswoman Brenna Angel said Monday.

The older man had just bought a bulletproof vest, a semi-automatic AK-47 and a .357 Magnum revolver, Angel said. He was wearing the vest, and both weapons were loaded and visible in the vehicle. He told officers that they had recently received a settlement from a car crash and used the money to buy tactical gear “should the end of days occur or should there be an Armageddon-type situation,” Angel said.

The couple drove to Walmart to show off the gear to the 19-year-old. None of the doomsday preppers actually tried to go into the store. All three voluntarily went to police headquarters for questioning and cooperated with police. No charges were filed.

I can understand the couple wanting to be prepared, especially with a young child, because anything could happen at any moment. Like you never know when you’ll just be minding your own business, running to Walmart, and come face-to-face with a bunch of crazy people in riot gear in the parking lot.

These are indeed odd times.
