We’ve read about some very creative and crazy ways people have gotten revenge on their exes over the years. Some examples include taking a knife to a car, embarrassing public confrontations, spending all their money. Heck, even Ryan Reynolds has gotten in on it. But this tale of revenge might be the most genius of them all.
What makes it SO brilliant is that it literally requires zero effort, can be used over and over again, and most definitely gets the point across.
Here’s how she does it, as explained by the boyfriend, Daniel, who actually did the screwing over, which he readily admits…
“A girl I screwed over once upon a time now gives my number to all the guys she’s not interested in at the bars. Well played.”
Well played, indeed. And at least Daniel is willing to admit when he’s been bested.
Obviously, folks on Twitter are now in love with this woman…
I aspire to be this petty in life
— Torrence (@TorrenceRogers) September 3, 2017
The only question is, which man do I screw over by doing this?
— mckaylaaaaa🌞 (@mcd1230) September 3, 2017
Never thought of it before, you bet I'm gonna do it now
— Tiffany (@SuburbanBit) September 4, 2017
marry her
— Post Grad Screw Up (@postgradscrewup) September 2, 2017
This is a thing of beauty.
— Nelle (@lezfly10) September 4, 2017
I love it! idea – file this away for sure ladies. I'm almost disappointed that I'm happily married and can't use this myself.
— Olive’s Mom (@jromeo255) September 3, 2017
However, some, i.e men, were quite worried that Daniel had just started a whole new thing…
I truly hate that you're putting more women up on this… Lol. 😂
— Danny DiNero (@MrDannyDiNero) September 3, 2017
Yes you have, Daniel. Yes you have.
H/T Some eCards