It Sure Looks Like Antonio Brown’s Burner Accounts On Twitter Have Been Found

antonio brown burner account twitter

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Have you guys heard of this Antonio Brown guy? It seems like he’s been flying under the radar the bit as of late, but let me tell you, it just seems like something is off with him.

All jokes aside, it’s no secret that Brown likes to hop on social media and blow off some steam and confuse literally every single person that keeps up with him. Earlier this week he posted that he was done with the NFL yet only a few hours later he tweeted that he’s had a change of heart and wants to get back into the league ASAP. The man is all over the place.

As a surprise to no one, it looks like Brown may have a couple of burner accounts on Twitter. You’ve got to check out these tweets from @tav58111115 defending Brown in every single one of them. Social media remains undefeated, by the way.

It’s pretty tough to argue against the idea that AB is behind that account, which randomly has nearly 4,000 followers without a profile picture or bio. It also has zero original tweets, the only tweets coming from the account are direct replies to people bashing Brown.

He may have another burner in his back pocket as well, @Guv71146561, and the story is the same with this account.

I mean the last tweet there saying ‘AB says facts tho,’ yeah, this has got to be Brown.

Brown certainly isn’t the only person out there with a burner account, but he may be one of the worst at keeping it a secret. He’s got all the time in the world now to tweet, so it was only a matter of time before him or someone in his camp told him to start up a burner account instead of blowing up his personal accounts.

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Mark is an associate editor and the resident golf guy here at BroBible. Be sure to follow him on Twitter @ItIsMarkHarris. You can reach him at