Bryan Harsin Questions Media After Being Hit With Stray In ‘Anonymous’ Coach’s Analysis Of Auburn’s Roster

Auburn head football coach Bryan Harsin on the field before a game.

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Former Auburn head football coach Bryan Harsin called into question some claims recently made by a prominent sports media outlet. Harsin believes that a bit of misinformation is being spread, and his name has been brought into the conversation.

Athlon Sports has begun its preview of the upcoming college football season, and unsurprisingly, the SEC is a major talking point in that discussion.

Auburn represents a program in flux within the conference as it looks rediscover success following a decade of mediocrity. The Tigers moved on from Gus Malzahn in 2020, a coach who’d led them to a national championship appearance early in his tenure.

Bryan Harsin was named as his replacement, though his stint would be short-lived and filled with drama.

In Year 1, Auburn went 6-7, ending the season with a loss to Houston in the Birmingham Bowl. It seemed a number of boosters were having second thoughts about the hire shortly thereafter.

Rumors began to circulate in the offseason surrounding Harsin’s personal life, though those claims were never proven to be true. He battled attacks on his character, as well as questions on his management of the roster, but still continued to stand firm about his desire to lead the program.

I’m the Auburn coach, and that’s how I’m operating every day. I want this thing to work, and I’ve told our players and told everybody else there is no Plan B… This was and is the job… This is where I want to be.”

-Bryan Harsin in Feb. of 2022

With no just cause for a firing, Harsin entered Year 2, though he wouldn’t make it through its entirety.

Eight games into the season, he was relieved of his duties amid a 3-5 start. Hugh Freeze was later hired as his replacement in hopes of righting the ship.

His first year ended at 6-7, though some solace was taken in near-upsets of Georgia and Alabama. Now, Auburn moves into Year 2 of the Freeze era.

That’s where Athlon Sports comes in.

While releasing its preview of the upcoming campaign, the outlet provided an “anonymous” quote from another coach.

Bryan Harsin’s name was brought into the conversation.

The former coach caught a vicious stray in the anonymous source’s analysis of the Auburn football roster.

“They aren’t close to the top end of the league, but they are absolutely better than the Bryan Harsin rosters at offensive line and receiver, and probably defensive line, too.”

Harsin highly doubts that this was a real quote from an actual member of any coaching staff.

We see these “anonymous” remarks made about rival programs each offseason. Often, that anonymity provides a shade to hide behind when being critical of opposing schools. You can say what you want without repercussion.

Bryan Harsin doesn’t believe the statements to be true. He needs some proof!

Despite his head coaching stint lasting less than two full seasons, Harsin continues to be connected to his time on The Plains. Since being fired, he’s returned to his home in Boise, Idaho with his conspiracy theorist wife.

While he hasn’t worked in college football since, he’s continued to defend his Auburn tenure.