Fans React To Giant Cinnamon Toast Crunch Mascot Freaking Out Viewers Of MLB Game

Giant Cinnamon Toast Crunch Mascot Freaks Out Viewers Of MLB Game


  • A giant Cinnamon Toast Crunch mascot was sitting directly behind home plate during Tuesday’s Marlins-Mets game.
  • Viewers’ reactions to the creepy, distracting giant piece of cereal were more entertaining, by far, than the game itself.
  • More MLB news here.

If you didn’t happen to catch Tuesday night’s Miami Marlins and New York Mets game, consider yourself lucky. No, not because the Mets are disappointingly average or because the Marlins are their usual sorry selves, but because you would have had nightmares after seeing what was going on behind home plate during the game. (Although those other two reasons are also solid grounds for not watching as well.)

The real reason why you should be glad you missed the telecast of the Marlins and Mets game is because, for some reason, there was a GIANT CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH MASCOT sitting directly behind home plate freaking everyone right TF out.

Related: Hamburger Helper Revealed What’s Inside Their Glove Mascot And It’s Creeping People Out

What… the hell? Why? I mean, sure, it’s for some kind of promotion, I guess, but… damn, that’s… unsettling.

Setting aside the fact that a GIANT CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH MASCOT is taking up three prime seats right behind home plate and obscuring the view for other fans who paid top dollar for their cherry spots in the stands, it was distracting literally every person who was watching the game on TV at home.

Then again…

Of course, nothing like a GIANT CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH MASCOT sitting directly behind home plate at a Mets-Marlins game can make its way on to the internet without immediately being turned into a meme.

Other possible explanations for why there was a GIANT CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH MASCOT sitting directly behind home plate like the Marlins are some kind of Minor League Baseball team were also offered up by the internet.

Mostly, though, it was just really freaking disturbing, and distracting, to see.

Doesn’t matter.