Joe Buck Clarifies What He Meant About Networks Using Fake Crowd Noise, Virual Fans In NFL Broadcasts

Joe Buck Clarifies Comments About Networks Using Fake Crowd Noise

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A couple of weeks back, Fox broadcaster Joe Buck stated on HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel that he believed networks will probably have to inject fake crowd noise into game broadcasts when the stadiums are empty to make them less uncomfortable to watch.

On Wednesday, Buck appeared on Andy Cohen Live and doubled down on his take, saying the fake crowd noise and possibly even virtual fans is “pretty much a done deal,” adding, “I think whoever is going to be at that control is going to have to be really good at their job and be realistic with how a crowd would react depending on what just happened on the field. So it’s really important.”

Buck also stated, “I think Fox and these networks have to put crowd noise under us to make it as normal a viewing experience at home. I know they’ll do it.”

Naturally, because it would be very odd to have “virtual fans” and fake crowd noise played during a sports broadcast people were a bit taken aback.

Buck also didn’t appreciate that his words were twisted somewhat in the coverage of his comments regarding the topic.

Buck then, as he often does, tried to have a little fun with the situation.

But soon enough he was back responding to a few comments from fans who still took issue with what he was trying to explain.

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Grammar is important.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.