It Took J.R. Smith Three Weeks To Come Up With This Three-Word Goodbye Message To LeBron

lebron james jr smith

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J.R. Smith is basically the NBA’s version of the one guy in every single buddy cop movie who no one ever really wants to be paired up with because he possesses the uncanny ability to make his partner roll their eyes incredulously based on their absurd antics. He most recently served as the Mel Gibson to LeBron James’ Danny Glover as members of the Cleveland Cavaliers squad— the latter of whom brought the partnership to an end after he decided he was getting too old for the shit Smith pulled in this year’s NBA Finals.

At the start of the month, LeBron announced be was bouncing from Cleveland to a place where there’s water you actually want to swim in. Players around the NBA immediately started reacting to the trade, but there was one person who remained suspiciously silent: J.R. Smith.

Smith and James had a strong (and unique) relationship as teammates but the loss in the Finals— in addition to Smith’s blunder— meant their time together ended on a slightly sour note. In a world were hardcore NBA fans monitor who players follow and unfollow on social media to try and get an inside scoop it was very easy to read way too into Smith staying mum when it came to LeBron’s departure.

However, after this Instagram post, I can see why it took him three weeks to respond to the news.

As someone who has repeatedly spent way too much time crafting the perfect Instagram caption, I can totally understand how it took Smith so long to settle on this.

Perfection takes patience.


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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible. He is a New England native who went to Boston College and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Frequently described as "freakishly tall," he once used his 6'10" frame to sneak in the NBA Draft and convince people he was a member of the Utah Jazz.