This Letter LeBron James Wrote To A Terminally Ill Teen Will Tug All Your Heartstrings

LeBron James is one of the greatest players in NBA history, but this letter he wrote to 19-year-old Emanuel Duncan shows that even off the court he’s still one of the greatest.

You see, Emanuel Duncan has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and as such he might not live past his twenties and he has a wish on his bucket list that he’d like to complete.

Reports Gregg Doyel of the Indianapolis Star

“My bucket list is to meet LeBron,” he tells me. “That’s the one thing I want to do. Meet LeBron James. That’s my role model. He inspires me to do everything. To be a good person, to put other people first, to live your life and do what makes you happy. If I meet LeBron James, that would make my day. I wouldn’t ask for anything.”

Of course, that’s not an uncommon wish for any NBA fan, but what is uncommon is the fact that LeBron James heard about Duncan and responded with this very touching letter.


Here’s what it says in case you can’t read the photo…

Hey Emanuel,

I’ve heard some pretty amazing things about you, and from what I’ve heard, I can tell you are an unbelievable coach. I know you said that I’m your role model and that I inspire you, but I know that you give so many people inspiration, including me. You are living out what it means to be a role model, to be a good person, to put others first and live life to the fullest, doing what makes you happy. It is awesome that you are inspiring so many young kids and teaching them about the importance of living life to the fullest. You live this out each and every day. This is a reminder to me to continue doing that whether I’m on or off the court.

I wanted to send you a few things I thought you’d like to let you know I’m thinking about you. I know you are a fighter and you are very strong. And I hope you know that you are not going through this alone… I know you have a whole team of people from everywhere supporting you. Not sure if you know this, but I wear these things called I PROMISE bands every time I step onto the court. They make me think of the PROMISES I have made to myself and others. Here’s one for you and me to share as we work with kids… I PROMISE TO NEVER GIVE UP.

Together we will change the world.

LeBron James

Oh yeah, James also send Duncan a care package of goodies…


How much money do you want to bet that when the Cavs visit Indianapolis on February 1st there will be a very special guest of one Mr. LeBron James in attendance?

H/T Dime Magazine