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Matt Stafford’s wife Kelly has absolutely had it with, as she puts it, “living in a dictatorship that we call Michigan.” We know this because she vented her anger in a fiery new Instagram video.
The state of Michigan, by the way, much like several other states, instituted more COVID restrictions on Thursday because the United States is setting new records every day with the number of people getting infected and dying from the coronavirus with seemingly no end in sight.
Kelly Stafford, however, is not down with these latest preventative measures.
“So I’m going to be very blunt: I’m so over it,” Stafford said on her Instagram story. “I’m over living in a dictatorship that we call Michigan. I understand there’s a pandemic, and I understand it’s very scary. I’m scared of it too. If you are at risk, do not leave your house until there’s a vaccine.
“But shutting down all these small businesses — things that people have worked their life for — shutting them down again is not the answer, because they will not make it. So once we are able to leave our house, once this dictatorship decides to let us have some freedom, there will be nothing left.
“I’m just over it. I see all these people and it brings me, like, to tears. I — and believe me, I know there’s people out there that are stating, ‘That’s really ignorant of you. How could you say that?’ Listen, I know not everybody’s going to agree with me. Not everybody’s going to agree with my every move I make. That’s life, OK? We state our opinions, we move on.
“This is my opinion. I feel for these small businesses. It’s not that I don’t feel for people that have COVID, or the hospitals. I do. But this is my opinion. I do not feel like — I do not like living in a place where they tell me what I can and cannot do. I live once. Again, this is my opinion. You have yours, everyone has their own, and we chalk it up to that.”
I get it – on both sides of the argument. Everyone is frustrated. Heck, I am about at the end of my rope when it comes to the pandemic and not being able to do anything outside of my house without risking getting sick, or worse, making someone else sick.
I’m tired of my kids not being in school. I’m tired of their sports programs being postponed or canceled. I’m tired of not being able to just go out to eat or to a movie whenever I feel like it.
Coincidentally, Robert Gordon, director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, made it clear this week that despite previously allowing up to 500 friends and family members attend games at the Lions’ Ford Field, going forward no one will be allowed in the building who doesn’t absolutely have to be there.
Kind of makes one wonder if Stafford, whose husband has earned $226,478,969 in his NFL career, is more bent out of shape over that fact than she is about all the small businesses that are being affected.
Just sayin’.
Needless to say, reactions to Kelly Stafford’s rant were not exactly well-received.
We're all "over it" so please share YOUR solution, Kelly?
— Knape Hall (@KnapeHall) November 19, 2020
I’m sick of these people complaining under the guise that they’re worried about small businesses and then turn around and shop at mega corporations and Amazon, they’re so full of shit while trying to pander to people they’d never mingle with otherwise
— Mo Adoure-Zehaim (@Zaref346) November 19, 2020
Imagine having to suffer through a global pandemic in these conditions. pic.twitter.com/o17J7Iapac
— Paul Doro 🎃 📺 (@PMDMKE) November 19, 2020
She's welcome to move to South Dakota, with zero restrictions and the 3rd highest death rate in the world.
— lane (@last__lane) November 19, 2020
It's not about you, Karen. This is about my mom and Gma who have been quarantined for 8 fucking months, and the rest of us who keep our distance, limit trips, exposure, and care about others, even strangers, weird right? This isn't political, it's science. Miss me with the BS!
— NMF (@NicTheNiner) November 19, 2020
My coworker called her Karen Stafford and I fell out laughing
— Duke (@canuckduke) November 19, 2020
UPDATE: Stafford has since apologized, after a workout to clear her head and a visit to a local small business: Target.