A couple of days ago, CM Punk announced that he had no doubt he would beat Mickey Gall when they face off in UFC 203 on Saturday. He actually went as far to hint that he felt confident enough to possibly throw in a few wrestling moves when dismantling Mickey Gall. Which is a bold prediction, especially considering that Punk’s never had a UFC fight before and, if one has been watching the footage of his training, he’s not really showing anything to really back up all of these claims.
And Gall seems to agree with the masses, as he responded to Punk’s promises by saying that he will beat him “violently”.
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Listen, I’m a big CM Punk fan. And I respect his decision to leave behind his paychecks and his career to pursue a dream of becoming a fighter this late in life. But also, Gall’s been training his entire life for this. It’s not like Punk is fighting some other random dude who just wanted to give fighting a shot. Gall’s been waiting for his shot and he was given it in the form of a superstar. He will and can always be the guy who beat up CM Punk. That’s octagon immortality. Even if Gall never wins a fight again, he can always be the guy who broke every rib in CM Punk’s chest. Which, sure, may not mean much when he’s a deadbeat 40 year-old with CTE, but it’s better than nothing.