NFL Fans Absolutely Hate The NFL’s Official Explanation Of The Bogus Cassius Marsh Taunting Penalty

cassius marsh taunting


  • Chicago Bears linebacker Cassius Marsh was penalized for taunting during Monday night’s game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.
  • NFL fans immediately decried the league’s wildly strict taunting rules, as they have been all season.
  • Nevertheless, the NFL is sticking to their guns and have released a video explaining why the penalty was called.

The NFL has rolled out NFL SVP of Officiating Perry Fewell to comment on the controversial taunting penalty called on Chicago Bears linebacker Cassius Marsh, and his statement is yet another reminder that the league has no clue what fans — and players — want from the sport. The flag was thrown on what would have been 4th-and-15 as the Steelers had their punting unit marching onto the field.

“In Chicago versus Pittsburgh, Bears number 59 (Cassius Marsh) is penalized for taunting. He takes several steps towards the Pittsburgh bench, posturing towards their sideline. Taunting is a point of emphasis to promote sportsmanship and respect for opponents. This was recommended by the competition committee and coaches,” Fewell says in a video posted to the league’s officiating Twitter account.

RELATED: Fans Are Calling For NFL Investigation After Ref Tony Corrente Hip Checked Bears’ Cassius Marsh While Calling Taunting Penalty

The statement from the league — in addition to sounding extremely propaganda-y — clearly proves they have zero clue what their audience actually enjoys about the game, as the reactions to the statement were unanimously negative.

So far, there have been 27 taunting penalties called this season. That’s the No Fun League for ya: not only are they trying to legislate the game, but the basic human emotions — excitement, pride, arrogance — that come with playing professional sports at the highest possible level. It’s absurd. The NBA changed the way they officiate games this year (not more of those jump-into-the-opponent-while-fake-shooting foul calls) and fans are absolutely loving it. The NFL should take notes.

RELATED: Bears’ Cassius Marsh Calls Out NFL Ref Tony Corrente Over Hip Check – ‘That Was Incredibly Inappropriate’