Olivia Dunne’s Tight Pink Gymwear Goes Viral From LSU Campus

Olivia Dunne

Stew Milne/Getty Image

Olivia Dunne has turned the LSU campus into a virtual photoshoot as her gymwear game went viral.

The gymnastics star isn’t just flipping on the mats; she’s also flipping the script on social media with a following that’s bigger than the line at the campus coffee shop during finals week.

We’re talking a jaw-dropping 10 million followers combined on Instagram and TikTok. Yep, that’s more people than you can fit in a football stadium doing the wave.

In an Instagram post that practically made the color pink trend again, Olivia posed in tight pink gymwear in several pictures.

Olivia went all-out, promoting Vuori Clothing while tagging LSU campus. She captioned it, “Vuori Clothing captured on film 💕”.

Olivia Dunne didn’t stop at just gymwear glamour shots. She also joined the “I’m Thirsty” challenge, proving that even when parched, she can make lounging in a bikini look like a professional sport. Her friend played water wizard, pouring H2O as if Olivia was a thirsty plant.

Just when you thought the virtual cheering couldn’t get louder, Olivia threw in some behind-the-scenes pics from her Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoot.

But let’s not forget, Olivia is still a gymnastics champ at heart. She recently showcased her flexibility in tight gym gear during an LSU gymnastics workout.

So, there you have it, folks. Olivia Dunne isn’t just making gymnastics look effortless; she’s making social media her floor routine, and we’re all just trying to keep up.