When I say I hate cardio, what I mean is, I’d rather have a soldering iron jammed up my pee hole than have to spend 45 minutes running on a treadmill.
That’s how much I hate cardio.
Yet, as a fitness pro, I’m asked all the time, “how much cardio should I do to lose weight?”
If you hate cardio as much as I do, what if I told you there is a better way—the best way.
A strategy that will elevate your heart rate, ignite your metabolism, and strap your testosterone to a rocket, blasting it off into freaking space.
Give the treadmill, the elliptical, and the bike a big ol’ Johnny Cash middle finger.
Bro’s we’re going to squat away our unwanted body fat.
AMRAP Squats for Time
This is one of the most challenging and soul crushing leg days you’ll ever have. But over the next 24 hours, your testosterone will hit the stratosphere.
Here’s the breakdown on this fat burning squat workout.
Is your one rep squat max more than 400 pounds? Place 225 on the bar.
300 pounds? Place 135 on the bar.
Have you finally crushed the 225 mark recently? Load the bar with 95 pounds.
These numbers are within 40-55% of your one rep max. Now, grab your phone and set your timer to 10 minutes.
Hit start on the timer and perform as many reps as possible in those ten minutes.
Rest as you need, but as you progress, attempt to get at least 2 reps in every 30 seconds.
Prepare for blast off bro because your T-levels are about to soar.
*I hit 78 at 135 recently, if you attempt this, email me and let me know how many reps you crushed*
The Century Club
It sounded simple.
A shot of beer, every minute for 60 minutes. What harm can happen?
If you’ve done a Power Hour, you know it’s not for the feint of heart. Even seasoned beer guzzling bros can find themselves vomiting in the corner 45 minutes in.
If 60 minutes isn’t enough, you could try and join the Century Club. That’s 100 shots every minute for 100 minutes.
Or you could join another century club.
Made famous by chief Bro King, John Romaniello, Century Sets are 100 reps of awesome.
The concept is simple. Take your bodyweight, add it to the bar, and perform 100 reps of squats in as few sets as possible.
Once you’re able to hit 5 sets of 20 reps, on your next try, add 5% more weight.
If you normally squat for a total of 25-36 reps, this is going to feel like hell.
Your mental resolve and toughness will be tested.
When it comes to rest times during your sets, rest no less than 90 seconds, and no more than five to six minutes. Trust me, as the sets progress, you may want to rest a bit longer.
A word of caution. Only attempt a century once a week, maybe every other week. It all depends on how well you recover from this.
Squat Everyday
This concept has been covered here on BroBible before. Squatting everyday sounds like overkill. Or a one-way ticket to injuryville, but when done properly, you can squat every day.
Squats burn a shit ton of calories and calories are our nemesis during fat loss.
This doesn’t mean that you can rep out heavy squats every single day. You’re going to be in a calorie deficit and recovery is going to be harder on your body as is.
Like skinning a cat, there are a thousand different ways to squat.
These variations can be added in on all your other non-leg day gym sessions. Leave at least one focused day on heavy barbell squats, though.
Your week could look like this:
Monday: Chest Day plus Bodyweight Bulgarian Squats 3 sets of 12 per side
Tuesday: Heavy Squat Day
Wednesday: Rest Day (perform 3 sets of 15 bodyweight squats)
Thursday: Shoulders/Back Day plus Front Squats (4 sets of 8 reps at 65-70% of 1RM)
Friday: Deadlifts and Curls plus Goblet Squat finishers 2 sets of 15-20 reps with 45 pounds or more
Saturday and Sunday could be rest days and again where you attempt pistol squats or as many bodyweights squats as possible in ten minutes.
Eff Cardio
Cardio has it’s place, but it doesn’t excite me like the iron.
Dieting also doesn’t excite me, so if I’m going to shred away fat, I want to have the most fun possible while I get lean.
I’d much rather squat away the fat than to lose my mind running on a treadmill.