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Not only were Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen apparently Julian Edelman’s date (until the after-party) of this year’s Met Gala, they were also the co-chairs of the swanky shindig.
All of that major responsibility must have made Tommy Boy a bit frisky because as you can see from the photos below he simply could not keep his hands off of Gisele’s ass.
I guess Brady was just following the playbook Aaron Rodgers previously laid out a couple of times when he was events with Olivia Munn.

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Then at another point during the festivities, because I guess there weren’t enough cameras present, Tommy tried to take Gisele’s photo and ended up looking like a gigantic dork in the process.

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“Uh, yeah, honey, might want to dial the flash down a teeny little bit,” said Gisele, probably.

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What a nerd.
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