Buffalo Wild Wings Has A ‘Jewel Stool’ For Vasectomy Patients To Eat Wings And Drink Beer While Icing Their Boys During March Madness

Look, we talk about vasectomies a lot here on BroBible. A couple years ago I wrote a post about how “Saturdays” are for the snips, with Brosectomies becoming all the rage with millennial men lookin’ to get the cut. We’re shared stories about vasectomies FOMO and what it’s like to get one in your mid-20s, no regrets.

That’s why it’s only fitting we tell you about Buffalo Wild Wing’s latest stunt for March Madness – The Jewel Stool, a barstool made for posting up at B-Dubs in March and crushin’ wings and beer while icing down your boys.

March is the most popular month for vasectomies, according to health insurance giant Athena. In fact, TODAY, the first Friday of March Madness, is reported as the biggest day for vasectomies of the year – According to Athena, urologists “performed more than 41 percent more vasectomies on the Friday of the first week of 2016 March Madness than on a typical Friday.”

Rather than icing yourself down at home with beers on the couch and a bag of frozen peas, B-dubs created The Jewel Stool. It has a little freezer plate that serves as a cooling apparatus right where your boys hang, along with a light that flashes when you need a beer.

Other bonus: A chilled cup holder!

I got to try it out the other night. With the flip of a button, the thing gets cold, cold, cold quite quickly.

Just a little cooling relief downstairs post medical procedure while crushin’ spicy mango habanero and Coors Light.

Jewel Stools will be available on a first-come, first-served basis throughout March Madness at B-Dubs’ Times Square (New York, NY) and Koreatown (Los Angeles, CA) restaurants.


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com