CNN Claims Americans Don’t Like Ice Cream Anymore

Ice cream

Getty Image / Lesley Martin

It’s a pretty unanimous opinion that ice cream is one of life’s greatest pleasures. The sweet treat is so good, in fact, that millions of Americans who are explicitly told not to eat it due to medical problems, such as lactose intolerance, do anyways.

After all, what’s not to like about a cold, creamy treat that comes in all flavors with so many different fillings and toppings. Ice cream shops are a ubiquitous part of American life, and in the summer months they’re constantly busy across the country. I’ve met plenty of people who don’t eat ice cream for health or ethical reasons, but I’m not sure i’ve ever met someone who simply doesn’t like the taste.

But, CNN is claiming that America’s love affair with ice cream is coming to an end. Yes, seriously.

“America’s age-old love affair with ice cream appears to be winding down.

Consumption of regular dairy ice cream, which does not include frozen yogurt, sherbet or non- and low-fat ice creams, has been falling for years, according to the US Department of Agriculture.

In 1986, the average American ate 18 pounds of regular ice cream, according to the USDA. By 2021, the most recent year of the data, that was down a third to just 12 pounds per person.”

18 pounds of ice cream seems like a lot. I admittedly don’t weigh my ice cream, but that seems like a ton. But, to claim that Americans don’t love ice cream anymore simply because they’re eating less about it, when we know more than ever about nutrition, is wild. Thanks to this article, I’m going to go get ice cream I definitely don’t need tonight.

Garrett Carr BroBible avatar
Garrett Carr is an editor at BroBible with an expertise in NFL and other major professional sports. He is a graduate of Penn State University and resides in Pennsylvania. Garrett is a diehard Penn State, New York Mets, and New York Knicks fan.