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The latest coronavirus news does not show any slowing down of the deadly respiratory disease. The newest coronavirus update finds that there are now 73,332 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and at least 1,873 deaths, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
In Monday’s coronavirus update, we shared the news that Chinese researchers released a scientific paper that suggested that the origin of coronavirus was from a virology laboratory in Wuhan, and not a seafood market. Now a new report says that the very first patient diagnosed with COVID-19 had no connection with the Huanan Seafood Wholesales Market in Wuhan, widely believed to be the ground zero of the coronavirus.
The Daily Mail is reporting that the patient zero in the coronavirus outbreak had no connection with the seafood market in Wuhan. The first person stricken with COVID-19 became sick on December 1, 2019, a week earlier than Chinese health officials said it happened. The patient was a 70-year-old who also suffered from dementia, and was bed-bound. He reportedly never frequented the seafood market.
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Professor Wu Wenjuan, a director at intensive care units of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital, said the elderly man was forced to stay at home due to his health condition and had no connection with Huanan. Apparently, none of the man’s family members developed fever or any respiratory symptoms.
Professor Wu was one of the experts who contributed to a peer-reviewed medical journal on coronavirus that was published in The Lancet on January 24, 2020. The report surveyed the first 41 coronavirus victims, who became sick between December 1 and January 2, 2020. The report stated 14 of the 41 patients were not linked to the Wuhan market.
COVID-19 is found in 27 countries, including Egypt, which is the first African nation to report a case.
The American Chamber of Commerce recently surveyed 109 companies with manufacturing facilities in Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, and the Yangtze River Delta region. They found that 78% of companies don’t have enough workers to run a full production line due to the travel restrictions and Chinese citizens being quarantined. The poll discovered that 58% of the corporations expect their output to be lower than normal “over the next few months.”
Many people are quick to point out that the flu kills thousands of people every month, and not to worry about the coronavirus. However, new research finds that the coronavirus could be much deadlier than the common flu. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that the OCVID-19 is about 20 times more lethal than the flu.
By February 11, 2020, 1,023 people had died out of the 44,672 confirmed cases of coronavirus. The COVID-19 has a mortality rate of 2.3%, compared to the flu, that is 0.1%.
Another new study found that COVID-19 was also 20 times more likely to bind to human cell receptors and cause infection than severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). A new paper by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin found CPVID-19 to have “around 10 to 20-fold higher affinity – the degree to which a substance tends to combine with another – for human ACE2 compared with SARS.”
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China’s National Health Commission released a new study that suggests that the coronavirus may have a much longer incubation period than initially thought. The general consensus amongst medical professionals is that the coronavirus incubation period was as long as 14 days. New research says that the incubation period could be as long as 24 days. This is extremely concerning because those exposed to COVID-19 were put on a 14-day quarantine. If the virus can exist for 24 days, people could be exposing others to the disease.
The flu has an incubation period of up to 4 days
SARS has an incubation period of up to 7 days
MERS has a typical incubation of 5 days, and the longest observed was 14 days.
The coronavirus is believed to have an incubation period of 24 days (Previously thought to be 14 days) https://t.co/u4jBvrrjxX
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) February 13, 2020
Bad news for men, the coronavirus is more likely to kill you than a woman. In what is believed to be the largest study on the coronavirus outbreak to date, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention examined 72,314 patient records.
The CCDC study found that 4.7% of cases reached “critical” status, where the patient suffered from respiratory failure, septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction or failure. Half of the critical cases turned fatal. Male patients accounted for 22,981, or 51%, of the total confirmed cases, compared to 21,691 female patients. However, men suffered a 2.8% fatality rate compared to 1.7% in women.
China’s central bank has developed a plan to sanitize, quarantine, and destroy potentially tainted cash. The central bank will deep-clean money with UV light, then have it quarantined up to 14 days. Any money from hospitals and markets in the coronavirus epicenter, will be shredded, packed into bricks, and sent to local power plants to be incinerated.
China’s central bank has developed a plan to sanitize, quarantine and destroy cash in coronavirus-infected areas. https://t.co/sFbTz4Pp0t pic.twitter.com/74kdOSyHgD
— CNBC (@CNBC) February 18, 2020