‘Fortnite’ Gamers Fill In The Entire Dusty Divot Crater In Amazing Feat Of Human Ingenuity

Fortnite Season 4 kicked off this week and with it came huge changes to the map including mysterious superhero and supervillain lairs that have nuclear missiles and the destruction of numerous structures on the map including Dusty Depot. A crew of ambitious Fortnite gamers were unhappy that comets turned the Dusty Depot into the Dusty Divot so they proceeded to fill in the enormous crater in an amazing feat of human ingenuity.

During a Battle Royale bout, the team of 17 gamers were able to fend off the other 83 combatants while filling in the entire Dusty Divot. The group cooperated to pool together over 25,000 resources and cover the crater with over 2,500 floor segments. The team assigned certain members to be guards and secure the area around the Dusty Divot and each player had a backup.

The first few attempts were failures but the team were determined to complete their goal. Finally, the community of gamers were able to fend off hordes of enemies and finish filling in the crater just as the storm circle closed in on them. There were many casualties, but in the end the Dusty Divot was completely covered and they tasted the sweet taste of glory.