The final Game of Thrones season sucked. There’s no disputing that. It happens, great TV shows aren’t guaranteed to have great endings. We have to move on. Whether that means pretending Season 8 never happened, re-reading George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice books as we wait for The Winds of Winter or making fun of how much the final GoT season sucked.
Season 8 featured the worst-rated Game of Thrones episodes and despite the fact that over 1.6 million people have signed that Change.org petition to “Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers,” it doesn’t seem like that will happen.
So one Game of Thrones fan took it upon himself to at least improve one scene from Season 8 by spotlighting how horrible the final season was. The YouTube channel Eating Things with Famous People created a video where Jon Snow apologized for how much the last season sucked.
Using footage from Episode 4 of Season 8, The Last of the Starks, Kit Harington’s character gives a rousing speech in Winterfell. But instead of talking about the heroes they lost in the Battle of Winterfell as in the original episode, Jon Snow uses the time to apologize on how bad the final season was in this spoof by creator Chris Ume.
“It’s time for some apologies,” the deepfake Jon Snow says. “I’m sorry we wasted your time. I’m sorry we didn’t learn anything from the ending of Lost.”
“I know nothing made sense at the end,” Snow says. “When the Starbucks cup is the smallest mistake, you know you fooked up.”
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The hilarious 54-second parody is legitimately better written than Season 8. The very funny scene ends with Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) burning the Season 8 script as Jon shouts: “Fook Season 8!”
“Hello 911, I’d like to report a murder.”