Paras Griffin/Getty Images
- A Supreme Court judge laid into Lamar Odom for reportedly failing to pay child support payments, among other expenses for his family, for over a year.
- Odom’s ex, Liza Morales, broke down in tears at the hearing claiming both her and their son have been diagnosed with depression.
- Odom made $98 million in NBA career earnings alone.
Lamar Odom appears to have thousands to undergo medically supervised ketamine trips, but not enough to cough up the money he owes his own children.
Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Matthew Cooper couldn’t have been more blunt during a Tuesday hearing over a 2015 settlement agreement between Odom and his ex Liza Morales that Odom hasn’t honored in over a year. The pair have two children together, Destiny (23) and Lamar Jr. (19).
“If Mr. Odom is in good enough shape to participate in a boxing match, he’s certainly in good enough shape to abide by his obligations to support his children as set forth in the settlement agreement,” Cooper said during a video hearing — which the former Los Angeles Laker did not attend. [via Page Six]

The boxing match the judge is referring to is Odom’s boxing exhibition with Aaron Carter in which he reportedly netted $40,000.
Morales’ lawyer, Abraham Borenstein, alleges that the Lamar’s financial absence spans far and wide.
- Owes over $91,000 in child support payments through July.
- Owes $83,000 in rent for a West Street apartment in Lower Manhattan where Morales lives with the kids. The landlord has reportedly begun the eviction process.
- Owes nearly $24,000 for college application fees and room and board for their children.
- Drained $68,000 from bank account set up for college tuition.
Morales reportedly began crying in court while discussing her family’s hardships, and claimed her kids have had trouble sleeping and her and her son have been diagnosed with depression, according to Page Six.
“I will just offer the observation that if Mr. Odom wants to have a brand that means anything, it should be one where the person behind the brand pays to support his children and doesn’t leave his children in danger of being evicted,” Judge Cooper added.
Odom still receives a pension from the NBA. He’s made over $98 million in NBA career earnings alone.
Pro Tip for expecting parents: If you’re going to name your a child after yourself, don’t treat him like shit. Other than that, enjoy a sound sleep while you can.