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The Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco was forced to defend herself from trolls on social media on Tuesday for, of all things, wearing a mask while she was doing a workout. Welcome to 2020.
After sharing a video on Instagram encouraging her followers to stay in shape by jumping rope if they can’t get to the gym during the ongoing pandemic, the 34-year-old actress was met with comments like “With mask workout is very dangerous” and “You’re wearing a mask because why?” and “Don’t use mask to exercise. CO2. Nice going.”
“Jump It Out. My newest obsession during COVID/quarantine! All you need is 20 mins, a jump rope, and good music!” Cuoco wrote alongside the latest in a series of photos and videos she’s been sharing recently on Instagram chronicling her exercise regimen.
Following the flurry of negative comments about her wearing a mask while jumping rope, Cuoco fired back, “For everyone and their mask comments. I wear a mask when I’m in an enclosed space around others, which I was. I’m protecting myself and everyone around me. That’s why I choose to wear a mask. Thanks for playing.”
Many other commenters were quick to agree with Cuoco’s stance on wearing a mask while working out in a public place.
“Mask wearing protects others and yourself. SMH that this still needs to be explained,” wrote one.
“Wearing a mask is not dangerous if you listen to your body,” wrote another. “Kaley will likely feel a lot fitter after exercising like this once she can train without wearing a mask. It’s like athletes doing altitude training. She is being a responsible citizen, it’s a shame more people can’t be!!
“All these people commenting about you wearing a mask. alright you google doctors, stop getting your underpants in a wad. If she feels comfortable working out with a mask, good for her. That is her prerogative. Out of respect for people, that’s what I do as well when in the gym. It’s safer for you and the others around you,” another person commented.
“If you live in a part of the world where it gets cold, people have been exercising with masks on for decades,” another commented. “And we have all lived to talk about it. Let the woman exercise as she sees fit. Clearly it’s not restricting her oxygen or she would have to stop.”
Why anyone cares whether or not Kaley Cuoco wears a mask while working out, let alone care so much that they feel the need to comment on her doing so on an Instagram post is a certainly mystery. Oh… right.
Just #WearAMask, people.