The case of Steven Avery the subject of the Netflix documentary Making A Murderer fame is the saga that literally will never end.
In June of 2016, Avery’s attorney Kathleen Zellner dropped a 1,272-page bombshell revealing a new name as a suspect: Teresa Halbach’s ex-boyfriend.
In Zellner’s report she claimed that Halbach’s ex-boyfriend was physically abusive and lied to the police, had injuries to his hands, including scratches that appeared to be made by fingernails, had access to Avery’s land as well as Halbach’s house, and was also the person who led police to the location of Halbach’s car on Avery’s property. None of this she says was heard by the jury.
Then in October of this year, despite her almost 1,300-page report, Avery was denied a new trial.
Despite the setback, Zellner claimed to have additional test results and witness affidavits and that with he scientific testing not yet completed she still felt that Avery’s conviction will be vacated.
A few weeks later, Zellner once again announced that she had more new evidence proving Avery’s innocence where she stated in a new motion that the actual killer might have been Brendan Dassey’s brother Bobby.
Now, Zellner is back at it again…
Bobby Dassey, his mother Barb and her husband Scott Tadych are now the focus of Zellner’s latest investigation.

Reports Rolling Stone…
Perhaps most damning, however, are Zellner’s allegations about the contents of the Dassey family’s computer hard drive. Investigators seized the laptop in April 2006, believing it could contain evidence relevant to Halbach’s murder. Zellner says that it does – police recovered pictures of Halbach, as well as “many images of violent pornography involving young females being raped and tortured.” However, they were all allegedly accessed via the Internet at times when Brendan Dassey was at school and Bobby Dassey was home alone. It’s understandable then why the prosecution wouldn’t use this evidence at trial, but Zellner believes this further illustrates yet another missed opportunity by Avery’s trial counsel.
“There is a paragraph in a police report from 2006 describing what we were able to find with more clarity,” Zellner tells Rolling Stone. “All of this demented violent material was there and [the State] found it. [Avery trial attorneys Dean] Strang and [Jerry] Buting received the reports on this violent porn about 7-10 days before trial. Clearly, they should have investigated, gotten a forensic expert and pinned it to when only Bobby was home. But the State had no real interest in outing Bobby’s perversions and obsession with dead female bodies – after all, they didn’t want the jury to see their star witness was a developing sexual psychopath.”
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Yes, it is, Dean. Yes, it is.
Zellner also alleges that the computer had been cleaned of many files that could have led to deeper speculation about Bobby and Barb’s involvement.
“[Barbara] said she did not want anyone to get what was on her computer,” Brad Dassey states in the affidavit. Concerned that she was “trying to remove evidence related to Halbach’s murder,” Brad contacted authorities – but he was never called to testify at Avery or Brendan Dassey trials, and the computer or the pornography was never mentioned.
Also, based on a phone call between Bobby, Barb and Scott, Zellner claims there is proof that Tadych “observed and/or had contact with Ms. Halbach after she left the property.”
“I ask myself what would motivate Tadych and Bobby to be such obstructionists and I have reached the inevitable conclusion, as our court filings state, that they were involved in the crime and Barb, was and is involved, even unwittingly, in its coverup,” posited Zellner.
Sounds to me like we need a season two of Making a Murder pronto.
That and someone needs to quit teasing him and let Brendan Dassey the hell out of prison so he can finally make it to WrestleMania, dammit.
Poor Brendan.
Read the fascinating full report over at Rolling Stone.