Getty Image / Theo Wargo / Staff
Mosquitoes are evil. These pests can single-handedly ruin a warm summertime night by attacking you in irritating swarms. Humans have been searching for an effective mosquito repellent for hundreds of years. Modern-day mosquito repellents include sprays, candles, bracelets, and lotions. However, what if the best mosquito repellent was right under your airpods? A new study finds that a Skrillex song is a mosquito repellent.
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Want to avoid mosquitoes this summer so you don’t get dengue fever or the West Nile or Zika viruses? Better crank up the dubstep. A study found that one particular Skrillex song makes mosquitoes less bloodthirsty and less horny. Imagine being asked what you do for a living and saying you study how much mosquitoes bang?
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Last week, a study was published in Acta Tropica titled “The electronic song Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites reduces host attack and mating success in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti.” Yes! Oh my gosh! The study alleges that the Skrillex song Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites causes mosquitoes to not want sex and not bite mammals as much. Would you rather get malaria or listen to Skrillex on repeat for hours? Think about it before you answer.
Literally No One:
Scientists: Mosquitoes don’t f*ck if you play Skrillex
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“In this study, we examined the effects of electronic music on foraging, host attack and sexual activities of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti,” the study said. When the 2009 dubstep hit song was played, the female Aedes aegypti AKA yellow fever mosquito, bit less and had less sex than when it was silent. Those who do not appreciate EDM might prefer to drown in a bathtub full of DEET than listen to Skrillex.
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The researchers took hungry female mosquitos that had not eaten in 12 hours and placed them in a chamber with one virgin male mosquito and a restrained hamster. Using 10-minute intervals, scientists observed the mosquitos when Skrillex music was played and then when it was not played. When Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites was played, the females had less sex with the male. That could be said about humans as well. Also, the Skrillex mosquitoes bit the hamster less.
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The Skrillex mosquitoes had about five times less sex than mosquitoes who enjoyed the silence. Sounds legit. The hangry EDM mosquitoes did not search for food for an average of three minutes compared to the mosquitoes not subjected to dubstep who attacked the hamster after 30 seconds. Skrillex mosquitoes also made fewer attempts to suck blood than the other mosquitoes.
The researchers chose Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites because it has a constantly escalating pitch that was a perfect song for “noisiness.” Researchers said that sound is “crucial” for reproduction for many animals. So true, try to maintain an erection with your ladyfriend when there is the sound of your mom humming the Price is Right theme song outside of your bedroom door.
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The scientists believe that the vibrations of the music may have confused the mosquitoes and they couldn’t sync up with their potential f*ckbuddies. “Both males and females produce sounds through the beating of their wings,” the authors wrote. “For successful mating to occur, the male must harmonize its flight tone with that of its partner using auditory sensitivity.”
“The observation that such music can delay host attack, reduce blood feeding and disrupt mating provides new avenues for the development of music-based personal protective and control measures against Aedes-borne diseases,” the study said.