Netflix’s Latest Horror Original Series ‘Marianne’ Is ‘Balls To The Walls Crazy, Intense, And Creepy As Sh*t’

New Netflix Horror Series Marianne Reviews


That’s not my review of the latest Netflix horror original series Marianne. That’s what someone who writes for the website that specializes in covering HORROR said about the series. writer Kelli Marchman McNeely wrote, “The show is balls to the walls crazy, intense, and creepy as sh*t! Just when you think you are about to shut off your TV and be productive, the show drags you kicking and screaming into another episode. You have to know what’s next.”

“I watch a lot of horror movies (like a lot, a lot) but I haven’t been this excited in a long time,” she added. “Between the fantastic, unique storyline, the amazing special effects, the talented cast, and the sheer creepiness of it, “Marianne” is, in my opinion, maybe the best thing in horror to happen to Netflix in years.”

Uhhhh… that sounds pretty good, no?

Not sold yet? Chris Longridge of wrote about Marianne

Netflix really made our Friday 13th this September by dropping all eight episodes of Marianne, a new French horror series. But will it scare les pantalons off us?

The short answer is that you’ll know from the first scene whether this is your brand of scary: Ring-like images of a hole in the ground, machinery, creaky industrial sounds and an old transistor radio. A caged crow makes Ark! Ark! noises. A gaunt woman approaches her mother, who’s haranguing someone in the kitchen of a dark, old-fashioned French house, only to discover the old woman is talking to herself and pulling her own tooth out with pliers.

New Netflix Horror Series Marianne Reviews


Still not sold? Damn, you’re a tough nut. Okay then, how about these reactions to Marianne I found on Twitter?

If you’re still not sold then I’d like to request you come with me the next time I go shopping for a new car.

Lured back to her hometown, a famous horror writer discovers that the evil spirit who plagues her dreams is now wreaking havoc in the real world.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.