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Nicolas Cage has a new movie coming out, Renfield, that appears to be just about perfect for the legendary actor.
The trailer alone appears to be one of the best performances of all time in a film.
Check out this synopsis…
Renfield, the tortured aide to his narcissistic boss, Dracula, is forced to procure his master’s prey and do his every bidding. However, after centuries of servitude, he’s ready to see if there’s a life outside the shadow of the Prince of Darkness.
The film comes out on April 14th so Nicolas Cage and his co-star in the movie, Nicholas Hoult, have been making the rounds promoting the movie.
That included swinging by Reddit for an “Ask Me Anything” session.
While there were numerous excellent quotes put forth by the Face/Off star during the session, a story he told about one Keanu Reeves certainly stood out.
One of the many questions the actors were asked was, “What’s your favorite Keanu Reeves movie?”
“Hmmm. I liked the first John Wick. Speed as well,” Hoult replied boringly.
Meanwhile, Nicolas Cage, who was born in the same year as Keanu Reeves, had an A+ response.
“Well… Keanu kicked my a** at billiards one night,” Cage recalled. “He came up to my house on his motorcycle, and he was making these impossible shots.
“He said ‘now I dunno if I can get that shot or this shot’ and he made every single shot.
“So I have mixed emotions about the skill that Keanu has because he completely dominated me at pool,” Cage continued, still not answering the question.
“Umm, I like some of the early stuff like Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I thought he was great in River’s Edge. He was just great in that movie, yeah.”
He’s not wrong. Reeves was amazing in River’s Edge. River’s Edge was also just the third feature film Keanu ever appeared in and was released in 1986! Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, by the way, came out in 1989. Pretty sure, based on his answer, Nicolas Cage hasn’t seen a Keanu Reeves movie since.
Here are a few other gems Nicolas Cage shared during his Reddit AMA this week…
His favorite lesser-known performance was “a little cameo that I did that lasted all of about uh one minute in a movie called Never on Tuesday.”
Cage said his most challenging film role “was playing myself in The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent.”
He also said the while filming Renfied that “the fangs were genuine fangs, they were ceramic and quite pointy. So I did bite my lip a few times which made me drink my own blood.”
After playing Ghost Rider and Dracula, two undead characters, Cage says playing Jim Corrigan, the Spectre from the old DC Comics, would also be a fun role to tackle.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is Nicolas Cage’s favorite silent film and pasta fagioli is his favorite soup.
“It’s a good combination of protein and carbs,” he said. “It’s a nice protein blast. Gets your energy going.”