The ‘Sphere’ in Las Vegas has quickly become one of the biggest viral sensations on the internet and people are flocking to Sin City to check it out, but it is important to know where you are buying your tickets before you go. An obstructed view in the 200-level section completely ruins the entire experience. Beware!
Located at the Venetian Resort, the Sphere first lit up on the 4th of July. Initially, it was just giant glowing ball of LED lights. And then, on the last weekend of September, the doors opened for the first-ever concert inside the most unique (indoor) music venue in the world.
POV videos from inside of the Sphere are remarkable. The visuals are mind-blowing.
When the Sphere is not being used for concerts, it is currently showing a 50-minute film during the week. Although tickets are expensive, the incredible work of Darren Aronofsky is truly unlike any other motion picture in history. Early reviews from moviegoers and concert attendees say that it’s worth it.
You choose to sit in certain sections of the 100-level seats.
Ticketmaster warns of an overhang on its graphic. It lists certain seats as having an obstructed view.

Ticketmaster shows rows 30 and higher in the 100 sections as having an obstructed view. And at a venue where the entire experience is based on panoramic visuals, that’s no good.
However, according to those who have gone and sat in seats that were not supposed to have an obstructed view, there is still a chance that the experience will be ruined. Photos and video from the concerts so far also show that certain rows in the 20s have issues.
Although tickets for U2 at the Sphere are mostly sold out at this point, they are extending their run through the start of the new year— at least. If you are able to lock down the chance to see the Sphere in person, be sure to avoid any potential obstructed views! It’s just not the same.