Ah, Cue the Nostalgia (Boner): ‘Real Sex’ May Be Returning to HBO

So in an age when every type of titillating thing under the sun is readily available and for free, Real Sex is returning to HBO. According to Vulture, the reboot—called SEX // NOW and helmed by director Chris Moukarbel—will air on January 2. Its purpose will remain the same as the original: document every type of (occasionally horrific) sex act under the sun.

“Like lots of young people growing up, I learned a lot about sex by watching Real Sex,” Moukarbel told Vulture. “It was also my porn! It was hot for me as a kid, and the more I talked about it with people, the more I realized that this was a common experience that a lot of people had with the show.”

A lot has changed since Real Sex bowed in 1990: Now so much of the startling sexuality that Real Sex offered up on a regular basis can be found in one click thanks to the Internet. “Human desire is a technological engine in a lot of ways,” explained Moukarbel. “On the show, we want to explore sex culture and we want people to be turned on, but we're also interested in these other questions about how people find sexual fulfillment through the Internet.”


Case in point: Moukarbel wants to do an episode on Tinder. I'll take it over the latex lady.

[H/T: Vulture]