Two More Videos Catching Iggy Azalea Rapping Incomprehensible Nonsense Have Us Concerned For Her Health

Last month a video of Iggy Azalea rapping utter nonsense hit the Web and we thought, okay, she’s just messing with us now.

Here’s that video…

Then today I came across two more videos, one posted a couple of weeks ago, and one posted three days ago, and in neither one of these can I decipher a single damn word Iggy Azalea is saying.

After watching these, I have to ask, are we sure that Iggy Azalea didn’t suffer some kind of head trauma recently? I mean, I know she’s Australian, but I’ve never had this much trouble understanding someone who, despite being Australian, speaks English as their first language.

Surely, she isn’t doing this on purpose, right? And does she do this at all of her shows? Because if so it’s no wonder she couldn’t sell jack shit for tickets when she announced her tour dates before canceling.

Though at this point I hope she just keeps on spouting this jibberish when she performs. It’s far more entertaining to me than her actual music. Hell, I hope she puts out a whole album of this crap. I’d buy it just to play at full volume on my car stereo as I cruise past my dickhead neighbor’s house. But that’s a story for another day…

H/T The Blemish, Barstool