Flask Doubling As Body Spray Can Makes Drinking Easier But Does Nothing About Your Awful Body Odor

Need a new place to hide your booze while sneaking into sporting events, expensive bars or on daily room checks while in rehab?


Multi-Flasking has just created the most stealth sneaky flask ever, The Bev-Can Secret Body Spray Flask. This secret flask looks exactly like the body spray you buy in the store. No details have been over looked to make it look incredibly realistic. The bottom is made of aluminum, the top is molded plastic with ALL the details of the original cap and most importantly, the printing is almost identical to the body spray can design.

The Bev-Can holds approximately 8 oz. of booze. The money you will save on your first night out with it, pays for the flask itself!

Now, to do something about your awful body odor. I’m suggesting actual body spray or bathing in gin.

[via Multi-Flask]

Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.