If You Want To Scare The Piss Out Of People This Halloween You NEED This Creepy Russian Monkey

There are countless ways to scare people on All Hallow’s Eve, but if you really want to do the job right you’re going to need this creepy Russian monkey.

Russian is not a tongue I speak, apologies, because I’m unable to translate this Russian carnie’s babbling into the monkey’s face. I like to think that this carnival ride operator is telling the monkey jokes, and that monkey’s just losing his shit every time at the punchline. But the reality here is that we’re staring down the barrel of a goddamn demon monkey. That Russian dude’s obviously whispering some sort of odd Russian incantations that awaken the beast within, and that monkey’s sending out his war cry to herald the coming of Halloween…right?

P.s., anyone know where I can buy one of these monkeys for the BroBible office?


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