Today I taste tested the new Wendy’s Tuscan Chicken on Ciabatta and now I’m hooked


Today I taste tested the new Wendy’s Tuscan Chicken on Ciabatta and now I’m hooked. I went into the tasting of this sandwich honestly expecting to have no reaction whatsoever. I love chicken. I grew up down South. I have a typical standard of what I’m looking for in terms of flavor and execution, and since I moved to NYC nearly 8 years ago I have yet to experience that standard once. Well, Wendy’s new Tuscan Chicken on Ciabatta surpassed any preconceived notions I might have had, and wildly exceeded any and all expectations.

Let me be 10000% honest here, I’ve been in NO WAY encouraged by Wendy’s to endorse this. I was only invited to come test it out because of a previous invite a few months ago for a different product in which another Guyism writer put together this piece on ‘How fastfood restaurants craft a new item on their menu.

Frankly, I have no idea why I’m posting this other than I’m so pleasantly surprised at the notion that I can get a good chicken sandwich now in NYC that I felt the need to share it with you all. Thank you for suffering through my ramblings.

Here’s a Kate Upton GIF as a thank you for making it this far.