Guy Has The Most ‘This Is My Nightmare’ Reaction When His Girl Surprises Him That She’s Pregnant

Receiving an unexpected pregnancy announcement from your significant other is bad enough as it is, why do women have to pull stunts like this? There is no reason for a girl to surprise you and then videotape your reaction, especially if pregnancy was not the objective of your sex life. Because a guy’s reaction to an unwanted pregnancy is going to be predictably terrible. There are some things you can’t fake a smile about and just finding out that you’re having a kid you don’t want to have is one of those things. You’re coasting through life — kidless and happier than shit — and then all of a sudden a bomb is dropped on you and your reaction consists of a mouth that says “wow, really?” and body language that says “my life is fucking over.”

If anything, this guy deserves some recognition, because his reaction was about as positive as it could have been.