People Revealed The Depressing Truths They’ve Learned To Accept And Reading These Are Therapeutic


So this is going to get a little deeper/darker than the typical light-hearted content that’s posted on this site. As men, we typically deny our emotions and act like we have answers, as the great Bill Burr so eloquently put it. We’re hard wired to embrace the persona of strength and stability so we avoid vulnerability and self-evaluation like the kid with a cold sore in the blunt circle. We’re only “allowed” to cry during deaths and other personal tragedies, but have you ever seen Extreme Makeover: Home Edition when the gift the deaf family a brand new home? Holy shit. Manliness and emotional intelligence don’t have to be mutually exclusive–honing these skills can help us be more empathetic, compassionate, and truer to who we are. SO CRY, BITCHES!

In any event, Redditor haseo8998 posed an important question that many of us haven’t given too much thought:

What is the most depressing truth that you’ve had to accept? 

Here are the most insightful answers, with my added commentary in italics.


I peaked in high school, or maybe early college at best.

You’re in good company. My metabolism was actually functional back then. But on the bright side, we’re only getting wiser. And fatter. 


Life will never be fair. You can do the right thing for your entire life and still get shit on around every corner.

At least you can hang your hat on doing what’s right. At the end of the day, what else matters?


My wife is not happy with the way our life is together and one day she will have to leave.

That’s a tough realization. But you’ve dared to love, and starting over isn’t necessarily failing. Do your best to make it work, and if it doesn’t, it’s ok to quit. 


Sometimes old friends don’t want to reconnect.

Most friendships grow apart with time. Don’t harbor resentment or ill will, a lot of times people just need to find their own way. Knowing that makes it much easier to pick up the phone and reconnect. 


Just because you think someone is “the one”, doesn’t mean they think you are.

Love doesn’t mean shit if it’s not equally reciprocated. We accept the love we think we deserve so if someone doesn’t think the sun shines out your ass, RUN. 


That my parents are gonna eventually pass away. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

They are getting older. Make them proud and try to be the person they intended to mold and hopefully they’ll pass peacefully and with a full heart.


That I am probably noones favorite person.

Be your favorite person, and others will follow.


I am everything that is wrong with me. Any and all dissatisfaction I have with my life stems from my consistent inability to change it. I could be doing better in college, go to the gym more, network more, read more, etc etc and the only thing holding me back is that I have no motivation. I don’t care enough about myself to do anything.

Self-imposed constraints are paralyzing. Organization and discipline are key. Don’t think about ALL the things you could improve on, break it down incrementally. Do one thing a day to improve one aspect of your life. Good habits breed good habits. 


I am not good at much. Average at a lot of things. Not motivated enough to improve.

Some people go through life thinking they’re the shit and don’t realize that they’re hallow. Recognizing perceived flaws is the first step in working to improve them.


Loyalty to a company means nothing to the company.

If a person or entity doesn’t value your worth, find someone who does.


Why am I reading this thread Jesus Christ.

Yep, kinda tough to type through all these tears.

In summary, the sooner you realize that EVERYONE has their shit–celebrities, your boss, your parents, your most put together friends–the easier it is to cope with yours. Don’t recoil from self-help. Brick by brick.

[h/t Reddit]

Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.