Guy Conducts Social Experiment To See Whether Trump Or Bernie Has More Aggressive Supporters, Gets Very ‘Duh’ Result

At first glance you’d assume that the Trump supporters would be more aggressive than the Bernie supporters. This assumption is, in general correct. However, the way that Joey Salads (seriously? THAT’S the name you’re going to run with on YouTube?) titled his “social experiment” is misleading, as it should’ve been “Which candidate garners the more aggressive response” rather than “Which candidate has the more aggressive supporters?” Obviously the people attacking him over Trump aren’t Trump supporters, however how does he know they support Bernie/Hillary/Cruz/whoever?

And FFS the guy was antagonizing the people who called him out for supporting Trump. There’s a huge difference between “Are you guys voting for Bernie?” and “We need to get rid of all the immigrants in this country.” Apples to oranges baby, this whole video is misrepresentative clickbait, just like everything else on the Internet.

[H/T Daily Mail]