Arkansas’ Fun-Hating Baseball Coach Is Somehow Already Angry About Other Teams Having Fun

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Arkansas’ head baseball coach Dave Van Horn doesn’t like fun. The 61-year-old has been the skipper since Fayetteville since 2002 and has a tremendous track record of success.

However, his teams are only there to play baseball, not get into any shenanigans. His words, not mine.

Here’s the thing about college baseball. It is played by college kids, and college kids like to have fun.

I know that might come as a shock to many, but it’s true. As a result, college baseball includes a lot of fun — or as Van Horn puts it — shenanigans.

Virginia Tech’s Home Run Hammer is one of the most electric things in sports. Ole Miss’ beer shower makes for the greatest environment in college baseball. There has never been a more electric bat flip than Tennessee hitting a walk-off grand slam last season, and bat flips are abundant.

Not at Arkansas. There will be none of that. No fun in Fayetteville.

A couple of years back, before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the season, Ole Miss upset No. 1 Louisville on a walk-off strike-em-out, throw-em-out double play and celebrated by spiking the ball and hitting a between-the-legs dunk high-five. It was so awesome.

Arkansas fans, even though their team was not involved, immediately got upset, calling the celebration “classless” and “trashy.” In reality, it was fun!

It appears as though that attitude and no-fun-having mindset stems from Van Horn.

The 2022 college baseball season begins on Friday and Van Horn is already upset at other teams for having fun. Even though the season had not begun, he spoke about how his team “just plays baseball” while other teams have “shenanigans” that go on in the dugout.

In other words, other teams have fun and his team does not. Take a listen:

Immediately after Van Horn’s comments went viral, he got dunked all over.

Credit to Van Horn where credit is due, though… his sweatshirt is awesome.