LeVeon Bell’s Holdout Seems To Be Going Pretty Well With Jet Skis, Yachts, And An EP Release Party

LeVeon Bell Holdout Jet Skiing Yacht Party

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LeVeon Bell’s holdout, unlike the Pittsburgh Steelers’ season thus far, seems to be going very well for him. Just this past weekend it involved riding jet skis, chilling on a yacht, and holding an EP release party. He may never come back.

After his Steelers lost 42-37 to the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday to bring their record to a stellar 0-1-1, Bell was filmed having a ball on the water in Miami, hanging out on a yacht and riding a jet ski.

A fan on another jet ski sidled up to Bell, called him the best running back of all time, and filmed Bell telling him, “You already know what it is man, we out here coolin’ on the jet skis.”

The guy then drops an f-bomb, telling everyone watching that Bell needs to get paid, to which Bell responds, “You already know! You already know!”

Being out of work has never looked so enjoyable. It doesn’t really look like he’s missing getting the hell beat out of him by giant defensive players one little bit.

Then again, his holdout has already cost him over $1.7 million so…

Maybe he is planning on making it all back with the release of his EP My Side of Things, which he celebrated at Rockwell Nightclub in South Beach on Monday after he finished with his fun on the water.


Yeah, he doesn’t look too worried.

Meanwhile, this is still happening all over America…


Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.