We’ve seen numerous incredible bat flips following home runs over the years. We’ve seen them in Major League Baseball. We’ve seen them in college. We’ve seen them in high school. We’ve seen them in junior high. We’ve even seen them done by toddlers.
Heck, we’ve even seen them memorialized on Christmas sweaters, for God’s sake.
And each and every one of them have been gloriously and utterly disrespectful. Which is, of course, why we love them. Who cares if the pitcher’s feelings are hurt. Boo-hoo, don’t serve meatball and there won’t be any more bat flips, buddy.
All that being said, this bat flip by Lin Tzu-Chieh of Team Taiwan at the Asian Baseball Championship might be the most disrespectful of them all.
Video of the #batflip to end all bat flips. According to 林祖傑 (Lin Tzu-Chieh) apparently he sprayed too much grip spray on the bat. pic.twitter.com/dWzdy8fdVa
— CPBL STATS 🪬🔮 (@GOCPBL) October 5, 2017
Yeah, yeah, too much grip spray on the bat. Riiiight…
How batters in the leagues over in Asia don’t have baseballs planted in their ears after such savagery is beyond me. I’m just glad that they don’t because…
ICYMI and enjoy home run bat-flips: Lotte's Jung Hoon hit a 2-run shot against SK pic.twitter.com/jBaM3rkyZa Video at https://t.co/H634pT9iSg
— Dan Kurtz (@MyKBO) May 28, 2015
Honestly, how can anyone NOT enjoy seeing this?