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You really don’t need to be a “sports scientist” to know that Conor McGregor’s chances against 49-0 Floyd Mayweather in a boxing match on August 26th fall somewhere between slim and none. All you need to do is watch the two training videos that each of them posted to their respective Instagram accounts over the past 24 hours.
Mayweather’s video showed the champ throwing some lightning fast hands, wearing 16 ounce gloves mind you (versus the 4 ounce gloves UFC fighters wear)…
While McGregor, who I am sure was very impressed with himself or he would not have posted this video as some sort of answer to Mayweather’s video earlier in the day, looked, well, not great.
So if that wasn’t enough to convince you to bet the house on Mayweather (I know some of you have already bought in on McGregor) then this video put together by Sport Science should probably convince you.
As you will see in the video below, McGregor has never faced an opponent with the type of speed Mayweather, even at age 40, possesses. There just isn’t anyone in the UFC that quick. And while it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Mayweather strings McGregor along just to make the fight last longer, odds are that when he does decide to end it he will and will quite easily. As the Sport Science folks point out, Mayweather, while not known for his punching power, still possesses strength similar to Nate Diaz, only he is much, much faster.
Me? I am still hope that the fight goes down something like this…
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H/T Total Pro Sports