Behold this bro flip a water bottle onto a golf club 16 times in a row and try to show some emotion for once…
Even bbsdoingnothing aka Andrew Borys knows the bottle flip has basically jumped the shark…
This insane water bottle flip frenzy all started with Mike Senatore at a high school talent show. Witnesses called him a legend, called the spectacle “the most lit thing” they’ve experienced. People were taking pictures of the table it landed on as if it’s a piece of American history to be preserved in a museum. Fans were bidding on a bottle signed by Senatore and the amount reached $15,000. Oh, and it wasn’t even the bottle used in the flip. Have fun with that.
Then we saw another bro flip a water bottle and have it land on its top, which was accompanied by a rightfully earned walk-off. The flipper’s friends couldn’t process what happened. Is this real life? Nope.
THEN we saw a dude flip a Vitamin Water bottle onto a girl’s juicy caboose and girlfriends everywhere thought twice about getting sun on their back to even out the tan.
I still think this is the most impressive flip…