Send a raven and let everyone know… the Game of Thrones adidas sneakers are legit. There are rumors that adidas has teamed up with HBO to create a lineup of Ultra Boost that are inspired by various houses and factions of Game of Thrones. These are more lit than Hallyne the Pyromancer.
Coinciding with the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones, adidas will release these George RR Martin-influenced sneakers in 2019. According to Yeezy Mafia, the Ultra Boosts will represent House Targaryen, White Walkers, Night’s Watch, House Lannister, and House Stark. The early renderings from Yeezy Mafia show each sneaker has a heel label with sayings such as “Winter Is Coming,” “Winter Is Here,” “Fire And Blood,” and “Hear Me Roar.” It would be nice if the sneakers had each house’s sigil on it somewhere. Imagine strutting around King’s Landing in these shoes?
So would you bend the knee for these kicks?