The email will remain the preferred method of office communication for at least the next ten years. Slack chats might become the norm at work, or another form of inter-office discussion might spring up, but email still has a long shelf life.
There are certain unwritten rules when it comes to email etiquette like don’t ever use emojis and knowing the proper phrase to kick off an email that will guarantee it gets read.
Entrepreneur.com is laying down a few more rules to follow if you want people to read and react to your electronic letters in this piece on the 10 tips for writing emails that will get you tangible results. The article is an excerpt from Susan Gunelius’ book Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business.
Gunelius makes several vital points such as exploit your product’s (or service’s) benefits and exploit your competition’s weaknesses, knowing your audience and focusing on “we” and not “me.”
It’s an incredibly informative piece, but the critical takeaway involves an acronym and a point everyone should remember when crafting an email, no matter if the email is for business or personal gain.
Communicate WIIFM or “what’s in it for me?”
“No one cares about your business, products or services. That sounds harsh, but it’s true. All people care about is how your product, service, or offer can help them, make their lives better or make them happier. Don’t fill your messages with information about how great your company is and how wonderful your product or service is. Instead, write copy that clearly and repeatedly answers the question, ‘What’s in it for me?'”
Gunelius suggests expanding on the benefits of your offer “so recipients understand how it will affect their lives in positive ways.” People only care what you can do for them. The quicker they find out, the more likely they’ll respond.
The article is worth the read, but I’d like to add one more tip – no matter how fantastic the email, and the offer, never ever hit reply all.
[via Entrepreneur]
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about career advice, gear and occasionally pro wrestling. Follow him on Twitter.