Veterans Are Tweeting Their Support For Colin Kaepernick On Twitter With The Hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick

The Colin Kaepernick National Anthem saga continues to unravel, with practically every pundit on the planet using it to make some sort of point about patriotism and respect while exercising his First Amendment freedoms for peaceful protest and expression. The social media pundit of our era, 22-year-old Tomi Lahren, offered a fiery take yesterday, bringing the military into this: “I’ve got loved ones serving over seas while you’re making $19 million to bitch an moan about your perceived oppression, so show a little respect.”

Kaepernick never said he has an beef with the military community. Regardless, the great American outrage machine was quick say that Kaepernick was being disrespectful to those who defended the flag. In turn, there have been many “takes” from those in the military community about Kaepernick over the last few days. They’ve gone both ways: Many have commended him for demonstrating the liberties they fight to defend while others have criticized him.

It’s ridiculous to think that a couple of vets with easy access to the media’s megaphone speak for the opinions of millions who served. So tonight, interestingly enough, a number of military vets on Twitter are showing support for the 49ers quarterback with #VeteransForKaepernick.

If you haven’t read Jim Wright’s post on Sunday, I highly recommend starting there.

Here’s the display of support for Kaepernick to express himself however he pleases.

And here’s your shot + chaser for perspective.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, writing on this site since 2009. He writes about sports, music, men's fashion, outdoor gear, traveling, skiing, and epic adventures. Based in Los Angeles, he also enjoys interviewing athletes and entertainers. Proud Penn State alum, former New Yorker. Email: