Watch Dave Grohl Chug A Beer Then Fall Off The Stage In Foo Fighters’ First Concert Of 2019

Dammit David Eric Grohl, BE CAREFUL! Dave Grohl nearly ended back up in a cast once again by falling off the stage during Foo Fighters’ first concert of 2019. The scary-looking tumble happened after Dave chugged a beer, which may or may not have been a factor in him falling. Chugging beers and falling on their face, rock stars, they’re just like us!

On Wednesday, the Foo Fighters were performing at The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, which was part of the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Dave was parched from singing and walked over to the bar in the middle of the concert and asked the bartender for a Bud Light.

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Good Guy Dave wanted to continue to rock some riffs on the guitar while attempting to drink the beer hands-free. I’m not sure how he thought that would work since it is a can, but he tried and failed. The Bud Light spilled all over the speaker that it had been resting on. Dave gave up on the hands-free approach and promptly chugged the beer in six seconds, a respectable time for a three-quarters full can of beer.

On his tricky walk back from the bar to the stage, Grohl fell off the stage. The all-time great singer and drummer fell flat on his ass, nearly knocking over the speaker that he spilled his beer on. Security members were nearby to help Grohl get back on the stage and he started jamming with the band again as if he didn’t just bust his ass.

Grohl appears to be just fine, but it wasn’t that long ago that Dave fell off the stage and broke his leg. In 2015, Grohl fell off the stage while performing in Sweden. Like a true rock badass, Dave returned to the stage to finish the concert while his leg was being taped up. Grohl then continued the Foo Fighters’ European tour while sitting upon a throne of guitars.

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Dave’s falling off stage may have something to do with his pre-concert drinking ritual of shots of Jagermeister and Coors Light. Dave keep chugging beers, but please step away from the edge of the stage.

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