Columbia Pictures
Among the many types of conspiracy theories the body double conspiracy theory is one of my all time favorites.
They are usually reserved for political figures, but occasionally they will slip into the world of entertainment as well. (Avril Lavigne is actually dead and been replaced by a clone and Taylor Swift is actually an Illuminati clone of a Satanic church leader, don’tcha know?)
The megalomaniacal leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, disappeared and was reportedly dead after heart surgery.
“I’ve wondered how long he could have endured after cardiovascular surgery. I’ve been informed that Kim died last weekend,” said North Korean defector and current South Korean lawmaker Ji Seong-ho. “It is not 100 percent certain, but I can say the possibility is 99 percent. North Korea is believed to be grappling with a complicated succession issue.”
To prove him and everyone else who thought he was dead, Kim reappeared over the weekend at a new fertilizer factory near Pyongyang looking as spry as ever, conspiracy theorists were quick to jump on the mystery of where he had been for a couple of weeks. He supposedly had just been at his luxurious compound in Wonsan with his 2,000 woman “pleasure squad.”
Not that Kim Jong Un truthers were buying it.
Yep. Body double just recovering from plastic surgery to look like Kim Jong Un.
— ItsAllGood (@its_good) May 2, 2020
Just remember there are atleast 10 body #KimJongUn doubles apparently.
Being Kim Jong Un body double is the the most Honorable and best paid job in North Korea. https://t.co/LYAHWPJhoH
— Manish Singh (@Manish_05Singh) May 2, 2020
We really believing that’s Kim Jong Un when it could absolutely be a dude w plastic surgery?? If I was a murderous dictator I’d have clones.
— Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) May 2, 2020
Look at these two images and note the teeth! The first one is Kim Jong Un a few weeks ago (the real one?), the second is KJU today as shown by RT. Note the gap in the teeth of the second image. A body double? pic.twitter.com/822ujeEOUZ
— Rik_W 🇬🇧🏴🏴🇸🇪 (@Freedom_2004) May 2, 2020
Mr Trump I am a forensic investigator and after reviewing extensive footage of this imposter I can guarantee this is not Kim Jong Un. This is his body double! He's used him before years ago. Would be happy to share my findings with you..
— Scrad (@SScrad) May 2, 2020
Was the "Kim Jong Un" who cut the ribbon at that fertilizer plant a body double or nah? https://t.co/QZvX2v5p08
— mattparlmer 🪐 🌷 (@mattparlmer) May 3, 2020
Me: conspiracy theorists are the worst.
Also me: *spent 45 minutes on Twitter reading Kim Jong Un body double conspiracy theory*
— Shandya (@shandya) May 3, 2020
I know, right?
Looks like his sister Kim Yo Jong is going to have to wait a little while longer before she can go full Game of Thrones.