Don’t bother coming for Sharon Stone all you crazy rioters out there. Because as this handy, dandy new tutorial video she created and shared on Instagram shows, you won’t find her because she will be hiding out in her panic room when you do.
“Probably the safest bet that you have might be your bathroom, because you have maybe the least windows or you’re the most tucked in there,” explained the 62-year-old actress. “And if that’s the case, the least windows and the place that you could lock yourself in the most.”
That’s right. Don’t be coming for her white privilege all you rioters.
Stone added that when you make your panic room, or safe room if you prefer, be sure to “put some blankets and pillows in the tub in case you’re gonna to need to sleep there if you feel like you might get broken into or you have nowhere else to go, especially if you’re trying to self-quarantine.”
I hate when I get broken into. And man, did she have to bring up the coronavirus?! Don’t we have enough to worry about right now?
Also be sure to include a cooler with some water and “a few non-perishable things that you can eat, some fruit or some protein bars.”
Wait… when did fruit become non-perishable? Does the illuminati have some special kind of fruit the rest of us don’t know about?
The pièce de résistance of Stone’s suggested panic room design has to be her advocating boarding up the room, just to make it extra cozy and safe.
And remember to bring your computers, cell phones and chargers! And your extra cell phone! You do have an extra cell phone, right?
“Don’t panic, and if you think you’re going to panic, take any panic medications or anything that you would like to have in there, and just have that place prepared for you or you and your family,” Stone counseled. “Stay safe. Don’t be overreactive. This will come and go like all things do, okay?”
Don’t be overreactive?! I wasn’t until I saw Sharon Stone making a panic room video!
And what does she mean by “or anything that you would like to have in there”? I have so many questions now. Thanks a lot, Sharon.