Here Are 10 Of The Healthiest Foods You Can Eat


If you’re like me, you made a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier. And, if you’re like me, you rarely know the nutritional value of anything you put in your body. My general rule of thumb is the sadder a food makes you, the healthier it is.

But, if you’re trying to eat healthy, you don’t have to eat grilled chicken and green beans for nine straight dinners. You can diversify your portfolio. The folks at the BBC are here to help. Their scientists examined numerous studies of raw foods, food encyclopedias, and guidelines for a healthy diet laid out by the USDA to decipher a definitive ranking of “the ingredients that provide the best balance of your daily nutritional requirements.”

Check out the 10 foods the BBC scientists found to be the best for you.

10.) Snapper — Nutritional Score: A nice 69

A family of mainly marine fish, with red snapper the best known. Nutritious but can carry some dangerous toxins.

9.) Beet Greens —  Nutritional Score: 70

The leaves of beetroot vegetables. High in calcium, vitamin K, iron, and B group vitamins (especially riboflavin).

8.) Pork Fat — Nutritional Score: 73

A good source of B vitamins and minerals. Pork fat is more unsaturated, and healthier than lamb or beef fat.

7.) Swiss Chard — Nutritional Score: 78

A very rare dietary source of betalains, phytochemicals thought to have antioxidant and other health properties.

6.) Pumpkin Seeds — Nutritional Score: 84

Including the seeds of other squashes. One of the richest plant-based sources of iron and manganese.

5.) Chia Seeds — Nutritional Score: 85

Tiny black seeds that contain a high amount of dietary fiber, protein, a-linolenic acid, phenolic acids and vitamins.

4.) Flatfish — Nutritional Score: 88

Sole and flounder species, generally free from mercury and a good source of essential nutrient vitamin B1.

3.) Ocean Perch — Nutritional Score: 89

The Atlantic species. A deep-water fish sometimes called the rockfish. High in protein, low in saturated fats.

2.) Cherimoya — Nutritional Score: 96

Cherimoya fruit is fleshy and sweet with a white pulp. Rich in sugar and vitamin A, C, B1, B2 and potassium.

1.) Almonds — Nutritional Score: 97

Rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids. Promote cardiovascular health and may help with diabetes.

Wait, no Tide Pods on this list. Must be a mistake..

[h/t Uproxx]

Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.