Paris Hilton, fashion icon.
As much as we like to poke fun at Paris Hilton she simply isn’t going to go away. The prominent DJ *snicker* has gone from sex tape star to reality star to music mogul *snicker* and there’s nothing we can do about it.
And to that I say, good! Because as long as Paris Hilton hints at having threesomes with Kate Moss, performs fake orgasms on stage, continually shows off her totally not-enhanced new boobs, and wears see-through dresses and a thong to red carpet events like this opening of some swanky store in Los Angeles I’m cool with her being around.
Granted, the people who truly benefited from Paris Hilton’s fashion selection at this shindig were those in attendance at the event, but what we get to see isn’t too shabby. The view from the back is quite nice. Just wish our invite hadn’t gotten lost in the mail.
You keep doing you, Paris.
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