1980’s Movie Montage Treatment Makes Video From Inside A Dildo Factory Much More Hysterical


Normally, I wouldn’t direct you to video from inside a dildo factory. Okay, maybe I would. But that’s neither here nor there. Because what I’m directing you to right now is not solely video from inside a dildo factory. It’s video from inside a dildo factory set to Scarface‘s “Push It to the Limit.”

You remember this montage? So hardcore. Sure, all the cocaine and money made it bad-ass, but what really took it over the edge was the song. It wouldn’t be the same if it were set to Shania Twain’s ‘Man, I Feel Like a Woman.”

Hell, that song even makes an ostrich taking a jog seem street. Imagine what it can do for video of a dildo factory.

Actually, you don’t have to imagine. You can watch it here (Somewhat NSFW. No real dicks. Just dildos.)

By the way, here’s the Scarface montage set to ‘Man, I Feel Like a Woman.’ See, sound makes a HUGE difference.

[Via Pearl Cumberstain]