Don’t Know What A Dick Pic Is? Well, A News Website Just Published A Handy Explainer For Everyone

Vox is a website whose editorial team earnestly believes that condescendingly speaking to an already literate audience that has a healthy grasp of nuance of topic is a revolutionary way to get news to uninformed adults who don’t typically go to the internet for news.

Doesn’t make sense, does it?

No, no it doesn’t.

I don’t mean to shame it, though (I do, I so do), for without that attitude, you wouldn’t get delightful articles like today’s “Dick Pics, explained.”

Now, you may think that everyone who is fluent in the web and gets their news from the internet already knows what a dick pic is.

You would be right.

So what audience is this post speaking to? God if I fucking know. God if God fucking knows. But Vox’s mission is not to add to the conversation, but rather show their mastery of it through acting super punctilious, so let’s see how a Vox writer tackles the very simple, very straightforward, very no duh concept of why people send dick pics to people who already know why that behavior occurs.

What is a dick pic?

You know what, no. I fucking can’t. I can’t. I’m not doing this.

The fucker that started this website received a god damn blank check from his employer to elevate the discourse on the web and professed that he was building a new world for online news that would break the fucking paradigm, and all this fucking site is is the butt of a joke that everyone except them find hilarious, but who, if presented with evidence of said joke, will lie and say they were in on it all along.

Look at this shit.

No one takes a picture of their penis in the hopes that it deters sex. .. Men want to make their seem dicks enticing, which means a proud, rigid dick. [The] the majority of people who like and possess dicks don’t usually want to see a sad, wilting, moody penis.

That’s their insight. That’s it.

[Via @polly]